Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Old "McNutt" Bought A Farm--E..I..E..I..O!

Well, It's been ages-- but Walt and I are kindof digging out of our boxes. 19 years in Bountiful and we didn't every throw anything away! It's been fun looking thru Bob and Melissa's old toys and school papers. Creepy Crawlers, Simpson toys, Stuffed animals coming out of our ears. And I can't for all the Barbie dolls, and doll houses.
Wait till Hannah see's all her Mom's cool stuff. I've got a special little play area I'm setting up for Hannah. There are coming out to visit in May. Yahoo!!

Living out here in Lake Shore is a blast! It's 5 miles out of town and it's a long country road 5 miles! The smell of horse manure replaces the smell of the cars. I quit/retired from my job at the ortho office and miss my "family" there terribly. Now Walt has to hear my singing and harrassment remarks!
We love our little country Ward. We are in the Lake Shore 1st Ward. And after a week, I got called to be the R.S. Secretary! Wow, that's a great way to meet people. The ward is a couple miles away; so no sneaking home during Sunday School to get a snack. I have to make sure I make Walt a huge Sunday breakfast (with biscuits) to keep him going!
But, the best part of this deal is that Bob and Linda are 10 to 15 minutes away. We see them all the time! Linda was a big help putting my kitchen together. Bob and Walt have been working on a chicken coop/goat pen. Yep, I'm am gonna have my hands full.
Love you all, Thanks for hanging in there with me. More pictures to come